GOVERNMENT POWER – THE REDCOATS ARRIVE - 1768 There was no police force in October 1768. In the face of boiling civil disobedience, the British Crown had an answer. A fleet of frigates trained thei ...

UNALIENABLE RIGHTS Hopefully, readers of my novels have found similarities between the struggles of colonial common men and those of today. The late Justice Antonin Scalia framed this continuing pr ...

The Colonial Recipe for a “FLIP”
Considering the fact that water was known to make people sick, the American colonies found safety in liquor. Colonial Boston was a peninsula slightly larger than one square mile in size. The town took ...

BANKS AND DEBT Our Founding Fathers were keenly aware of the dangers of banks and national debt. The disputes between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson are legendary. However, their agreement on the ...

It would be impossible for George Washington to be elected today. He is the only president of the United States to be elected unanimously. His leadership and judgment were proven and trusted. I fee ...

Anarchy! Not a Policeman in Sight
Anarchy! Not a Policeman in Sight There was no police force in colonial Boston, Massachusetts. Sheriff Greenleaf had eight deputies to serve a summons and keep peace in the courts. When 500 or more ...

Peculation and Flogging
Today we find politicians, in their zeal to get reelected, appropriating federal funds for local pet projects. I feel the need to share George Washington’s reaction to such misappropriation. It was k ...

1768 – Liberty is Confiscated
Unlike Sam Adams, John Hancock had little interest in politics until June 1768, when his sloop Liberty was confiscated by British customs commissioners, for smuggling and non-payment of customs duties ...

Snug Harbor Tavern – The Beginning
The Snug Harbor Tavern series of novels began with a short, bony-necked candle-maker making his way to a Boston harbor tavern. Heretofore, he had steered clear at night because half the taverns also s ...

Death by Firing Squad in 1768
Within weeks of arrival in colonial Boston, more than seventy British redcoats had deserted. General Gage knew how to stop it. Initially, the whipping post was used. The execution of Private Ames by f ...