As William

William E. Johnson is the author of historical novels, focusing on the Founding Fathers of Boston, Massachusetts. With a commission in Naval Aviation, he was stationed briefly in Boston, MA, where he became enchanted with the rich colonial history of the region. More recently, he had the role of John Hancock in a community theater production of “1776”. This prompted him to write his first novel “Snug Harbor Tavern: Shaggin’ for a Shillin'”. It was followed with, “The Seeds of Love…and War: Still Shaggin’ for a Shillin'” and “Tea and Tyranny: Still Shaggin’ in Boston”, which was published in 2014. Two additional novels are planned for the Snug Harbor Tavern saga.

As Hancock

In the persona of John Hancock, audiences in many states have compared his presence to a visit to Williamsburg, VA. Speaking at a dinner, Mr. Johnson never steps away from being “Hancock”. He takes satisfaction in asking where the “county workhouse” is located or asking what an “old age home” is. Incidentally, he does prefer Madeira wine. It is significant that he has been invited for return visits by many organizations. On a personal note, these presentations have prompted people enjoy and appreciate American history again. It is a joy to hear, “I learned more about American history this evening, than in my entire history class.” Those words make the task worth the effort. Contact him or his speakers bureau for more information.